Structural Biology

Macromolecules provide the structure, organization, and regulation of life. So knowing how their atoms are spatially arranged and how they move, act, and respond is crucial to understanding how molecules control medicines and biology in general. With our department’s breadth and depth in modern structural biology, our faculty study 3D structure, function, and the dynamics of proteins, RNA, DNA, and their complexes—from fine atomic detail to cellular machinery. 


  • Multiple synchrotron beamlines for macromolecular x-ray crystallography
  • Research Triangle Park-wide NMR Center 
  • Titan Krios section of the Cryo-EM/ET facility 
  • SAXS resource 
  • MolProbity validation web service 
  • Supporting facilities include advanced light microscopes, mass spectrometry, and computational resources


Associate Professor of Computer Science
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Medicine
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry
Assistant Research Professor of Biochemistry
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Medicine
George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biochemistry
Professor of Biochemistry
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Nanaline H. Duke Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry
Faculty Emeritus of Biochemistry
Professor of Biochemistry